Thursday 25 November 2010

Subject Visit Two - Jacki

Having conducted a little more research, I set off to visit Jacki this week, who I have met before from the Birthmark Fun Day. I felt much better about this visit, as I had more of an idea of what I wanted to achieve having learnt from the previous shoot. I went with the intention of conducting two separate shoots on the same day, to fulfil the brief for both projects. As a result I will be discussing them separately in my research and development blog.

These are the images I intend to use for my personal university work

With every visit I go on, I find out a little more about what it is like for other people to live with a birthmark. I am really discovering a lot already, and feel that even at this early stage the project is successful with regard to the personal journey aspect that I was so keen to work.

With regard to the images, I found I took fewer this time, which in my opinion is a good thing. I felt much happier and more confident I knew what I wanted to achieve, and as a result the subject became more relaxed and felt like I knew what I was doing! This is very important to me in my work, because the more relaxed the subject is the more natural the work tends to be.

I posed Jacki in a few different seats, and decided not to do the standing up photographs, as I feel that they weren't so strong when I visited Stanford. I also ensured I did a few close ups too. Overall I think this shoot went well, and I am looking forward to my next one. I felt that Jacki was comfortable and happy to be in my work.

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