Tuesday 9 November 2010

BSG - Project Research

Having visited Stanford I sent my initial images to Flag - the design agency I will be working with on the Birthmark Support Group's side of the project ( http://www.flag.co.uk/ ) and they suggested I take a look at the work of David Hares to get an idea of what sort of thing they were looking for.

When it comes to the website, the image style I will be producing is very different to the photographs intended for my University project. As I have previously mentioned, the two projects are working side by side, and for every subject I visit I will have to produce to sets of images, for both projects.

The work of David Hares:

The use of natural light in his work seems very important to creating the desired atmosphere - happy/bright/upbeat. This is key to the feel of the website, and working with the design agency is really teaching me how to work to a particular brief. When visiting my future subjects, I will take into account, and try to get a more varied style of images. It is clear that the two projects have a very different style and will have to improve on creating the pictures for the agency so I can get my funding!

The key elements of the images here are that they are natural looking, bright and airy with plenty of natural light. Use of shallow depth of field to pick out the subject is essential and having looked at this work I feel that I am much more prepared to photograph my next subject.

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