Monday 15 November 2010

Richard Ross - Waiting for the end of the world

I have chosen to look at the work of Richard Ross because I find it particularly inspiring. It continues with the theme I have been previously looking at of photographing people that have something in common, but this set of images from his series "Waiting for the end of the world", which comprises of photographs of underground shelters and the people that own and operate them, is more relevant as it shows these people in what could be regarded as their home environment.

This gives the photographs a sense of intimacy which isn't found as strongly in the work of Morrison or Hennell. The photographer is given access to these people's shelters, and the portraits are personal in nature.

I really like that, again, Ross produces neutral themed portraits on a group of subjects. The photographs represent his investigation of these people's lives and their shelters - I think that this idea is key to my own work, as I am embarking on a personal journey on this project, and am also investigating people's lives. 

My personal favourite of the set is this image, which I feel is particularly strong and fairly similar to the style of image I had in mind when I started this project.

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