Tuesday 12 October 2010

First Post

Welcome to my blog for the 3412 Module of the Photography & Video Course! This blog is here to show my research and development over the course of the module. For my negotiated project I would like to produce a series of photographs looking into the lives of people who have facial birthmarks. I have chosen this subject because it is very personal to me, as I have a fairly large birthmark myself, on my right cheek. I have never had any confidence issues or problems with bullying because I look different, but from an early age I had a series of laser treatments on my mark, to attempt to reduce the colouring or size. Although for me, these surgeries did not have much effect, going to the hospital made me aware that other people living with visible birthmarks were suffering from looking different. I have long since stopped treatment, but have recently been made aware of the Birthmark Support Group charity, who offer help to people who have marks similar to mine. Through this, my interest in how other people deal with life with a birthmark has been re-opened, and I would like to explore other people’s experiences through photography.

To do this, I plan to build up a network of contacts around the country, including people who have facial birthmarks so I can meet up with them and find out about their lives. Out of this I hope to produce a set of portraits and a short interview which documents my investigation and as the project progresses I may find a way to include a part of myself in the images.

I hope you enjoy the blog

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